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“Maeve Alberta”

Here we go! Not sure that the math is correct here, it seems to me that if I have 3 children going to school, I should have less than 2 at home... but I guess it does add up because I really do have 5 kiddos. Whew! I think and hope that having the older three at school will free up some of my life a bit, but the first day all three were at school, there was dirt all over my living room (my poor house plants) and toys everywhere. So am I winning? I think I just need to buy more toys, haha. Or an heirloom play kitchen, right Conor?!

Here's Greta on her first day! She's in sixth grade this year, her last year in Elementary school, although you could say she's a middle schooler because she's doing a middle school curriculum. I really hope Greta has a good year. She has some pretty great friends and she's going to try some new things (basketball, an instrument) this year while continuing with activities she knows and loves (cross country, soccer). How is it possible that she's already this old??

And my Holly girl! Holly is in eighth grade, her last year of middle school. Next year, we won't use numbered grades, instead she'll be a freshman! Okay but let's stay present in this moment. This girl has a heart of gold and I'm really proud of her. She's a hard worker and I'm so grateful she has an awesome friend group at school! I can't imagine Holly having anything other than a good year. Crossing my fingers because those middle school years have the potential to be hard.

And oh my little baby off to kindergarten. I joke that her teacher is going to correct all of our parenting failures, but am I actually joking?! Maeve is very excited about kindergarten. Greta helped her pick out her outfit and did her hair too. When Conor told Maeve he would miss her, Maeve told him that she was going to come back. And then when we were all walking with her to school, she asked us why we were coming. She's just so eager to be a big girl walking to school with Greta and the neighbors. When we were within sight of the school and she could see the quantity of children, Maeve became nervous. And so then I think she was glad her parents were with her! I walked Maeve into her classroom and she was definitely nervous, but she had a great day! Next week she goes every day, full days! I think she's going to be so tired and grumpy, but we'll get through it! She can do it!

And now I'm trying to not think too much of next year when I have 3 children, in 3 different schools and maybe Enoch in preschool? I don't need that anticipatory anxiety!

My baby girl graduated from Preschool and is off to kindergarten in the fall. She's had a great year - she's quite the extrovert! Maeve never warmed up to nap time, but she liked her friends. At the end of the school year she told me that she has a crush on Ethan because he's so funny. I keep forgetting that Maeve is 5 years old and more capable of what I currently ask her to do. She's still a little toddler in my mind. I think Maeve will really enjoy kindergarten - she definitely craves the stimulation!

In true Maeve style, her dress is on backwards and her hair is a mess. And I'd like to point out that a perk of being the shortest kid in your class is that you get to be in the front! I love my Maevey Maeves!

Hey Maeve and E, let's recreate this picture of you both with the goats in 20 years okay?

These pictures may be from a Sunday afternoon when Conor and the girls watched a couple movies in a row. Maeve likes to tell me that we have three babies because we have Masha. And sometimes she wants me to take care of Masha and that's when I put my foot down.

Finally! Maeve wore her birthday dress! I think it's adorable and I think she likes it too.

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